Scarborough Pool Opens for Summer
Feb | 2018
The highly anticipated new Scarborough Pool has opened it's doors in time for summer. The iconic beach-front project delivers a series of pools for both sporting and recreation, new commercial areas and activation of the street at the waters edge, contributing to the wider Scarborough Hub precinct.
The Scarborough Beach Pool attempts to reveal the layers, which define this landmark urban beach. Paramount to the proposition is the experience of the unique edge condition, the intersection between land and the Indian Ocean. The conceptual approach conceives the project as both built form and coastal geology. Exploring the tensions between the natural and cultural context of Scarborough.
The linear nature of the site, bound on the east and west creates a space within which the pool is immersed. Set into the site, preserving the quintessential beach arrival, an expansive view of the ocean. The topographical datums of the natural and man made expressed through the architectural form and material selection.
The material palette is restrained and responsive to the coastal environment and the functional programme of a pool. The use of raw timber, concrete and mosaic tile reinforcing the conceptual resolution of the natural and man made datum, expressing the raw character of Scarborough. The commercial buildings developed as a shell and core only with fit-outs by others.
The project has achieved 6 star Greenstar certification, the first of its kind in Australia. The design utilised a first principle approach, sustainability is integral, not an add-on. Natural light, glare control, shading and natural ventilation.
The design has maintained its focus on the creation of a place, a space for people to experience the expanse of the coastline. The integration of topography, wind mitigation, architecture, landscape and sustainability create a holistic experience. A place immersed within a landscape, mediating between rugged coastal dune and manicured lawns brimming with life, contained by architecture.
Scarborough Beach Pool Takes Home Awards
Jul | 2018
Last Friday night Scarborough Beach Pool was recognised by the Australian Institute of Architects as delivering design excellence at both the urban design and building level, taking home the prestigious John Septimus Roe Award for Urban Design as well as a Commendation for Commercial Architecture.
Allendale Square Redevelopment Opens to CBD
Feb | 2018
CHRISTOU recently joined clients Mirvac in opening the new plaza additions and lobby upgrades at Allendale Square which complete works to the precinct... READ MORE