Antiopi Orkopolous is Appointed Associate Director
Sep | 2021
Christou is thrilled to appoint Antiopi Orkopolous as Associate Director. Joining Christou in the 1990s, Antiopi brings expert leadership across all sectors of Architecture and Interior Design, working seamlessly across both disciplines to deliver holistic outcomes.
Antiopi’s projects are meticulously researched and executed. She is transparent and accountable in her approach to project management and this has seen her develop long-lasting relationships with clients. Anti is also a specialist in strategic briefing, facilitating Christou's briefing methodology to embed business case and end-user experience as key design parameters. The result, projects which realise their opportunity, which curate experience and resonate with their various user groups. Her recent achievements include the interiors of Samphire Rottnest.
The appointment of Antiopi brings strength to both Christou's design and delivery teams across all project typologies. We congratulate Anti on this achievement and for her continued contribution to our Studio and built environment.
Christou Wins Commission for Perth Zoo
Oct | 2021
Christou is thrilled to have been commissioned to for the new Perth Zoo Cafe and Function Centre, realising the first stage of the Zoo's Masterplan 2040.
Matthew Le Meur Strengthens Christou's Leadership Team
Sep | 2021
Christou has strengthened its' leadership team with the appointment of Matthew Le Meur as an Associate. Matthew is an intelligent, methodical and personable architect who has lead our team as BIM Manager over many years. Today, we are proud to be a leader in BIM, and we accredit this to him... READ MORE
Herman Boon is Appointed Associate Director
Jun | 2021
It is with great excitement that we announce the appointment of Herman Boon as Associate Director, strengthening Christou’s leadership team and strategic briefing team. Herman has been with Christou for more than 12 years, progressing from talented, and rewarded student (graduating with high distinction) through to our highest position of Associate Director.